The Lazzaro Family | Fernvale Maternity and Family Portraiture
/As a Photographer, I get to meet so many different people from all walks of life. Everyone has a story. When Jacinta & Patrick told me theirs and what they had been through months prior, I really felt for them. I am so privileged to meet people like Jacinta & Patrick and capture part of their story.
Just a 'Rocky' road.
”Patrick, Rocky & I are about to celebrate a WHOLE YEAR of love since Rocky came earth side & changed our lives. My pregnancy began quite normal. We found out around 6 weeks & things seemed to have been travelling well, up until about the 17 week mark. We didn't know the gender yet. I fell extremely ill & what was 'appendix' pain was actually a hiatus hernia & I had open stomach surgery at 17 weeks gestation. We were warned of an extremely high miscarriage rate but unfortunately my life was on the line & we had to go forward with the surgery. I remember waking up, the nurse said I was in ICU, my hands strapped down because I had a breathing tube in & Patrick told them that I would try to take it out (He was 100% right). She unwrapped my right hand & I just reached for my belly, the nurse says "baby is doing just fine" what an emotional feeling of relief, hidden under all the anaesthetic & drugs. The doctors advised that if we had waited a few hours longer for surgery, it could have been fatal for both Rocky & I. Fast forward to 37 weeks, we know it's a little man but he is stubborn & 'Frank breach' so they attempted an external flip but no luck. I was booked in for a Cesarean the following Tuesday - 24.07.18. At 12:14pm Patrick & I finally had our beautiful 5p 13oz tiny toughy. We had already decided on the name, as after surviving what we both endured, Rocky really is a fighter & Patrick is a Stallone fan, it all fitted so well. I'm a lucky mummy & fiancè”. - Jacinta
How is this for coincidence….Rocky and I share a birthdate! Definitely a little client I will never forget.

Jacinta & Patrick (well mainly Patrick haha) Choose a HUGE 30x40 inch canvas for their wall. The perfect image to represent what they had been through to get their miracle little boy.
This image and story touched me so much that I decided to enter it into the 2018 RISE INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS. The images entered were of AMAZING quality. I was pretty happy to receive a Bronze award in the Maternity Category.